From the desk of Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
It is with mixed emotions that we announce a very special
Yom Yerushalayim Chagiga honoring beloved YHS teachers
Rabbi Avi and Mrs. Leba Schneider, who will take their leave
of South Florida to move to Israel this summer. We hope that you
will be able to join us for this special evening, featuring the
charismatic Rav Meyer Goldwicht. Invitations are going in the mail
at the beginning of next week.
Mazel tov to Tanch instructor Mrs. Esther Grossman and her
family on the birth of a daughter and sister, Basya, just before
Pesach, and to sophomore Brandy Brenner and family on the
birth of a son and brother. We will be celebrating with the
Grossmans on Lag B'Omer. Condolences to Rachel Bensimon and
her family on the loss of their mother and grandmother this week.
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Israel on Our Minds |
The hours that students spent preparing for this week's
programs commemorating Yom Hazikaron and Yom
Haatzmaut produced our most meaningful celebrations yet.
Each year, YHS' Yom HaZikaron program focuses on a
difference aspect of the sacrifice the Jewish people have made
to create and secure the State of Israel. This year's focus
was on Israeli POW's and MIA's. Students read Hebrew
poetry written about fallen soldiers and recounted the moving
biographies of 3 famous MIA's. Our guest speaker, Dr. Dan Mann
(pictured above), shared his amazing personal story about
being captured on the shores of the Suez Canal the first day
of the Yom Kippur War, and about the 47 days he was in
isolation in an Egyptian prison.
Yom Haatzmaut began with Rabbi Brander
explaining the halachic significance of the modern
State of Israel before we said Hallel in our morning
prayers. After their Judaic studies classes, the students
viewed a short video about the War of Independence and heard a
moving dvar Torah by Rabbi Avi Schneider.
Our chagiaga began with a fun make-your-own
falafel lunch. Former Boca Raton Community Kollel member (and
YHS parent) Rabbi Chanan Schlesinger of Alon Shvut,
Israel spoke about the State of Israel as the fulfillment of
Ezekial's Dry Bones prophecy. The chagigah ended with leibidic
dancing (pictured above) to the music of YHS' (soon-to-
be graduate) student band Torahck .
Week in Review |
you can see in these pictures, the junior class had a great
time parasailing, kayaking, snorkeling, and barbequeing in
Key West last week. They had an amazing time and came back
with surprisingly few sunburns. Many thanks to Rabbi Horowitz
for planning and leading this great trip.
The junior girls had an equally good time on a whirlwind 2
day tour of New York whose itinerary included Madame
Tussad's Wax Museum, a shiur at Stern College by
Rav Meyer Goldwicht, the broadway show Aida, Ground
Zero, NBC Studios, Museum of Broadcasting, Hewlett Cooper
Museum of Design and dinner at NYC kosher eateries
Mendys and Dougies. Many thanks to Mrs. Kanner
for planning and leading this great trip.
Click on the link in the right margin for photos of the
March of the Living, in which half of the junior class
is participating. They return from Israel this Sunday.
The artwork of four YHS students is being displayed
today and tomorrow at UNISA, located at 313 A Worth Avenue in
Palm Beach. Kudos to art instructor Dora Hishmeh for arranging
for our participation in the Worth Avenue Association
"Young at Art" Event.
Wednesday evening Rabbi Spodek's Chumash class was
invited to his home for a barbeque, followed by a Marlins
vs. Giants baseball game. Click below for pictures.
Having a ball at the ballgame »
Next Week at YHS |
The Anti Defamation League of Bnai Brith will be
running a timely and renown program about Confronting
Anti-Semitism for our sophomore class.
For the first time in YHS history, Student Council
Nominations and Elections will take place in the Spring to
enable the Student Council to plan programs over the summer.
AP (Advanced Placement) exams for college credit
continue with European and American History exams today,
Biology on Monday, Psychology on Tuesday and Government on
Grand Finale |
Our annual dinner honoring Ellen and Jay Adloer,
Elaine and Merv Jacobs and Rabbi Benjy Horowitz will take
place on Sunday, May 18 at the Boca Raton Synagogue. Call the
school for last minute reservations.
Plans for our Lag B'Omer Sports and Chesed Outing
are in full swing.
On Tuesday, May 27 @ 7:00 PM our drama society will present
the hilarious Neil Simon comedy "Fools" at the historic
Crest Theatre in downtown Delray Beach. Click here to order
Invitations to our special Yom Yerushalayim
chagiga in honor of Rabbi & Mrs. Schneider and
featuring Yeshiva University Rosh Yeshiva Rav Meyer
Goldwicht will be received next week.
Click for Graduation Info »
| |
Students Win Writing Contest |
Thursday night the awards ceremony for
the 4th Annual Wolens Jewish Writing Contest for High
School Students took place at the Adolph and Rose Levis
JCC in Boca. Mazel tov to YHS sophomore Ilana Borzak
who won First Place in the 9th-10th grade division and YHS
senior Danielle Rothenberg won second place in the
11th-12th grade divsion.